If you are reading this it’s probably because you are in network marketing and love it. A die hard fan is what all of your peers call you now. Your friends think you are crazy and can’t understand your new found passion right? Your passion is understandable though. In this type of industry it is easy to want to go “all in” and strive to reach the top 1% tier of the company. I believe the structure of the MLM industry is one of the fastest ways to create true wealth if you are hardworking, willing to overcome a lot of adversity, and able to adapt in our ever changing society.
For some of us we do make it to the top 1% in a short time while others take a whole career length timeline to get there. Either way the saying in our industry always goes… “Never give up.” The reality is a lot of people in our industry do give up and for the rest of us we want to know where the light at the end of the tunnel is. Whether your commitment took 4 years or 40 years to reach the top 5, 1, or less than 1% levels of your company I can’t help but believe that there are many of you out there looking for the right solution to true long term financial freedom and stability.
The reality is even if you do make it to the top of your company, if you decide to stop working and recruiting one day your residual income will start to decline. This is true in any business. We work all these years to build a financial wall around our families through the MLM structure but if we don’t house the wealth we grow from our “grind” years into the right places we will be stuck like most others in retirement… just getting by. So what is the solution?
There is something I now know that I wish my mentors in the network marketing business knew to teach me about a decade ago when I first started growing my residual income…. The marvel that is Compound Interest! If you ask any true wealthy person how they amassed their wealth most would tell you they worked hard and mastered a few skills to help them stand out and exceed in their industry. Then they invested those earnings so as to grow never ending generational wealth and unlock time freedom. But where?
I have heard this “wealthy persons” story time and time again, and I am sure you have too. If you are like me, you know how to work hard but haven’t been taught how to properly invest your money or perhaps becoming a master investor hasn’t been your passion so you keep saying “one day I will figure it out.” When things seem too hard or confusing it can be a major road block in getting us where we want to go. In truth what I have discovered is that investing doesn’t have to be all that hard. You don’t have to know all about stocks, or real estate, or crypto currency to unlock this level of wealth. Oddly enough you just have to be a good saver.
The safest and most strategic place to house your hard earned cash is actually where a lot of banks house their money as well… high cash value life insurance policies. Life insurance companies are the only entities that are recession and depression proof. Most of the major life insurance companies today are around 150 years old. These giants are also offering a much higher return on your money than traditional bank savings accounts all while protecting your family/beneficiaries against the loss of you as well as giving you access to your money while you are still alive. If invested right you can house your money in these plans during your working years and pull a substantial yearly TAX FREE dividend from your cash value all throughout your retirement years. And the best part is the compounding never ends!!!
This isn’t just a strategy for the wealthy this is a strategy for anyone wanting to build true wealth. You can start off small and then watch the power of compounding interest take over and amass more wealth than you could ever imagine. The sooner you start the sooner your money will start compounding so you can have what enticed you to network marketing in the first place… Whole life success and time freedom!